We facilitate connections and the market entry process, providing solid representation that allows you to establish yourself effectively in Panama.
Our international team connects companies seeking to establish themselves in Panama with the lawyers, suppliers and personnel necessary to execute that growth plan.
Are you in charge of starting your company's operations abroad, and in doing so you only encounter seemingly meaningless obstacles and delays? Also, apart from your initial contact, you don't know who to trust?
In Panama, as in other markets, connections are key to achieving success.
Therefore, it is best to find a person who knows the country, its people, customs and government to assist you in your project and help you work "like a local."
Ideal situation
Support and action
The Representative Office and/or Local Representation services professionally and reliably support companies and individuals seeking to establish themselves in Panama. Helping them understand and navigate local, business and government culture and bureaucracy, nurturing them with key connections in the public, private and social spheres.
Why does it work?
Simplicity and efficiency:
We serve as a single point of contact and control of all procedures that must be carried out in the country, supported by a solid network of connections and relationships.
Greater speed to enter into operation and reduction of costs and operational and reputational risks for the company.
Search Engine Business
“Limestone supported us to establish ourselves in Panama, so
as in the scope of success of a first year that will be the
beginning of a long relationship. Search Engine Business Inc. is reality in part thanks to Limestone.”
Ignacio Delgado Paredes
General Management
Search Engine Business, Spain
Students Trust International
“Limestone successfully represented and advised us to establish our presence in the Panamanian market. They made us feel as if we were physically in the country, understanding its reality. We established a relationship of trust that allowed us to open operations in Panama, understanding the requirements and processes that government entities demand to establish foreign companies.”
Tom F. O'Shaughnessy
Students Trust International, Canada
It is recommended for:
Those who require a physical presence in the country:
Own or shared office, legal address, telephone, correspondence management.
In addition to other services such as:
Opening and management of bank accounts,
Accounting services,
Management of the initial form.
Coordination of immigration procedures and requirements,
Coordination with lawyers, tax advisors, real estate brokers, insurance, etc.
Representation before regulators, service providers, media, etc.